Producer McKenzie Morrow, commonly known as Carbin, will be making his USC Events premiere at this year’s FreakNight. Carbin is a producer and DJ from Portland, Oregon. He came into the scene after being supported by bass legends such as Excision and Datsik, bringing a new feel to bass and dubstep.
Producing hot tracks and working constantly, you can catch Carbin on more upcoming lineups. We had the chance to chat with Carbin about his new music, career and help you get to know him better before he comes to Seattle. Check out the full interview below and make sure to add him to your FreakNight watch-list.
FreakNight will be your premiere at an USC Event. What are you most excited about?
MM: I am really excited about playing for the Seattle crew! I have so much love in Seattle and it’s growing more every day, so I’m stoked to see how it goes! As far as USC goes, I’m very appreciative for the opportunity and equally excited to see how our relationship grows over time!
What is something new that you are trying to bring to the table with your style of producing and DJing?
MM: To be honest I am just so sick of hearing the same drops over and over again at festivals. The main thing I want to bring to the industry’s table is originality, but in a few different ways. I want to make Dubstep/Trap tracks that get stuck in people’s heads, I want to ALWAYS come out with material that is fresh, and lastly, in the future I want to only play original tracks or ID’s at my shows. Yes, always playing originals can get old over time, BUT I want everyone to know that when they go to a Carbin show they are getting a brand new experience that is more awe-inspiring than the last!
What genre of music inspires you that is not EDM?
MM: Oddly enough, I would definitely have to say that Hip Hop is the most inspirational genre to me. I love the bouncing beats and the culture!
How is the dance music scene in Portland compared to Washington?
MM: Portland is pretty poppin’. Personally, I enjoy the scene more in Seattle since it isn’t as wook-ish hahaha. Don’t get me wrong though, Portland is always fun to play in and I love everyone there!
What has been the most exciting moment/event/news that has happened in your career so far?
MM: Well the most exciting things that have happened so far, I can’t tell you about just yet ;). But honestly, getting the chance to connect and become friends with Datsik, Crizzly, Snails and all these amazing artists has been really exciting! As far as events go, Freaknight is going to be the biggest show I’ve done so that will be fun! News…hmmm let’s just say this is the tip of the iceberg 😉
How did you get into producing and DJing? Any special stories associated with it?
MM: Getting into producing and DJing was really random for me haha. I have had a musical background from writing scores for my middle school band class and then later playing bass guitar/electric guitar for my dad on his worship team. I got into producing because I came across a version of Ableton and would mess around in it instead of doing my Homeschool work haha. I had just recently heard Skrillex – Bangarang and fell in love with EDM from that point on. I was so bad at making music it wasn’t even funny haha, but I learned a lot really quickly thanks to ARTFX on Youtube. I’m still learning more every day! As far as DJing goes, I started playing shows just last year because people were hitting me up wanting me to play. Since then I’ve played some solo smaller shows and a couple big ones supporting 12th Planet & ATLiens! It’s been awesome starting to travel to new places!
Some say “dubstep is dead”, as a dubstep producer, what are your inputs on that statement?
MM: Because of the over-saturation of “dubstep” producers and easy-access of quality sample packs, some would have to agree that generic dubstep is becoming more and more dead. Originality is key nowadays and if you have that, you won’t be put into the “dead” category. In a dubstep show sense, It’s pretty clear that dubstep/riddim is more alive than ever.
You’ve been recognized by some bass legends such as Datsik and Excision. For new producers, what advice do you have for them to be recognized?
MM: Two things: Originality is key & focus on just making great music. If you make great music, people will come to you. At the same time, keep in mind that all good things come in time. Patience is important. I still struggle with patience rather often.
Where and what was your first gig?
MM: My first show ever was in Fresno, CA on October 14th, 2016. It was called Skylit Nights and I headlined hahaha. I had never been so nervous in my life to be honest, and I didn’t know how to use CDJs at the time so I flew with my controller (also my first time flying). Long story short, I almost lost my bags with the flight and I freaked out haha. It was all good though; we found them!
Any exciting new projects you have coming up?
MM: I have a few! I have an official remix coming out in October, A collab with AFK coming out a little later, and then a 4-track EP on the way featuring some bass music legends;)
Will you be seeing Carbin at FreakNight this year? Let us know in the comments below!
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