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Dating in Your Local EDM Industry: A Beginner’s Guide (Opinion)

Dating Tip #3: Don’t brag about the perks (and don’t worry, you’ll get sick of them)

When you first start dating someone in the EDM industry, it can be very exciting. You may get into shows all the time for free, you may get alcohol, and you could even get the opportunity to meet some of your biggest DJ idols. All of this is fun, and it can be easy to forget that not everyone has these opportunities. So do your best to not spend your time around your other dance music friends, bragging about all the awesome DJs you get to hang out with. Be mindful that not everyone has those same opportunities.

Also, you won’t always find this type of lifestyle glamorous. Time kicks in, and you could find yourself wanting to stay home instead of joining your significant other at the club. That’s totally fine, and you should be sure to watch out for yourself and your needs.

[pullquote align=”right”]”The relationships I have seen fail is because the significant other didn’t attend any shows and was not fully supportive.”[/pullquote]

You don’t have to go out every time, and you deserve your rest. However, totally disappearing from the scene may mean less time spent with him/her, and be mindful if that’s what you really want in the long run.

Dating Tip #4: Know when to walk away…and know when to run

Just because you’re being faithful doesn’t mean they are. Just like in any healthy relationship, security is built on mutual trust and communication. Know the signs when you aren’t getting that back in return. What are some of those signs, you may ask? Here are a couple:

  1. Lies by omission and evasive answers: Are they leaving out pieces of their evening that you find out from others later?
  2. Acting suddenly secretive: Are you suddenly being pressured to stay home from the club? Hiding their phone screen from you while texting?

There are more signs, but if you have a sneaking suspicion that something has changed, my best advice is to buck up and have that difficult conversation. The EDM industry can be a very tempting industry, and if communication is broken down, then it starts to get tricky. Sometimes, we need to ask the hard questions in order to receive the hard answers. It all goes back to communication — See a theme?

an unhappy male and female in a relationship on a bed

Photo by Corbis

Dating Tip #5: If you really don’t like the music, you may want to GTFO…and soon

You’re going to be inundated with dance music for many years to come, and if you don’t enjoy it, it may not be worth it to you. However, if you’re open to it, you may meet some of your best friends ever in the industry. You need to decide if nightlife, or bass, or trance, is the life for you.

“There are a lot of other wonderful people (single & couples) that have committed themselves to the industry and it’s fun to go out and enjoy it together with other people who understand the way it all works & are passionate about it.”

The whole EDM dating situation will be a lot easier on all involved if you’re open to making friends with others who enjoy the same hobbies and pastimes as your significant other. Meshing lives makes life more fun and enriching for both parties. That being said, your nightlife significant other should also make the effort to spend time with your friends and share in your interests as well.

Dating Tip #6: Finally, if you like someone, don’t let what they do for a living (or for fun) stop you

If you are really into someone, be sure to give them a chance. Making assumptions that they are a jerk or only out for a one-night-stand just because they work in nightlife is unfair. Be cautious of course, and observe their behavior, but if you’re a match, well, a match is a match.

What about you? Would you ever date someone in the local EDM  industry? What has your experience been? Let us know in the comments below!

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Written By

Dance music saved Brenda's life once. She continues to repay that debt back to the scene, and never wants to quit repaying it. Music can change lives in so many ways. From the otherworldly, Siren-like lullaby of trance to the mind-bending reality check of bass, Brenda walked into the light of EDM and never looked back.

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