Ravers and bass heads united as Kevin “KJ” Sawka graced us with his presence at Foundation Nightclub for SUBstance Wednesday. He brought his heavy drum beats and sick bass, blowing our minds and ear drums. Lucky for us, we had the chance to sit down with the bass god himself to chat about his presence growing up in Seattle, how Destroid came about, and what fans can expect from Pendulum coming out of hiatus.
[divider]Seattle Roots[/divider]
Upon entering the greenroom, KJ was a breath of fresh air from the dense crowds already forming downstairs. His calm, cool demeanor and willingness to chat made it clear that he truly appreciates his fans. With such a large rap sheet of accomplishments, we knew we were in for a treat. With his friends and family all being local and the beautiful mountains and greenery, who would ever leave? Certainly not KJ.
“I honestly don’t think it rains that much here.”
Yeah, we were shocked at the answer, too. Being true Northwest natives however, we have learned to have a love/hate relationship with our ever present grey seasons. KJ hasn’t always lived in the Northwest though, as he did spend some time in jolly London while working with Pendulum. Not a far cry from the Northwest in terms of weather, perhaps it made the transition just slightly easier.

KJ Amping Up The Crowd At Foundation (Photo Credit: Turk Photos)