This is DMNW’s weekly music video roundup, bringing you new music videos from Yellow Claw, Clayjay, and TOMiMONSTA!
Things are going to kick off hot with Yellow Claw and Juyen Sebulba’s flashy, fast-paced, psychedelic video for Supernoize. After that, we’re going to slow things way down with Clayjay’s bubbly Leave No Trace. Finally, stick around for TOKiMONSTA’s One Day where Karate Kid and Star Wars seem to meet for an epic crossover.
1. Yellow Claw & Juyen Sebulba – Supernoize (feat. RayRay)
Pacific Northwest fans probably know all about Yellow Claw, since the Dutch duo has made Los Angeles their second home. Juyen Sebulba has been releasing music on Yellow Claw’s label, Barong Family, for the past two years. The pair has released several collab’s in the past including Do You Like Bass? and Can’t Help Myself.
The driving rhythms, high BPM energy, and distinct siren sounds stylistically link their music. The music video for Supernoize perfectly epitomizes these elements. The use of aggressive flashing colors may initially turn viewers off. After time, though, the video reels the viewer in for a rewarding experience, similarly to how the music offers more complexity than one might initially notice.
The video changes over time, morphing as the cumulative effect settles in. Different elements begin to separate; what was once in the foreground moves to the background and vice versa. Words can’t fully explain it, so you’ll have to see for yourself!
2. Clayjay – Leave No Trace
LA-based Clayjay released the track Leave No Trace back in October of 2019. The track hints at an environmental theme, most likely referencing the wilderness doctrine of “leave no trace,” yet escapes a preachy tone by using heavily distorted vocals.
The music video for the track reminds listeners of this environmentalist theme. In the video Clayjay’s bedroom is literally underwater. A reference to climate change? We think so.
He attempts to perform various tasks underwater, such as lighting a cigarette and brushing his teeth. The futility of his efforts show that this surreal underwater environment isn’t simply a dreamy scene, but a real impediment to everyday tasks. We think this video really hits home, for the environmentally conscious PNW folks and SoCal dudes alike. but don’t take our word for it! Check it out for yourself.
3. TOKiMONSTA – One Day (feat. Bibi Bourelly and Jean Deaux)
Another LA-based DJ and producer, we hold TOKiMONSTA very near and dear to our hearts here at DMNW. If you don’t know her backstory, we’d highly recommend clicking here. Recently featured on Netflix’s Explained after winning a Grammy award, TOKi has risen to fame from the West Coast underground scene.
The music video for One Day illustrates something essential to TOKi’s music: the importance of nighttime. With previous albums titled Midnight Menu and Lune Rouge, she has named her upcoming album Oasis Nocturno.
The Spanish words for “Midnight Oasis,” it’s a testament to TOKi’s ability to find refuge in the night, as a place of serenity after the chaos of the day or to let loose what’s hidden beneath the guise that darkness lends itself to.
The music video begins in the daytime, but transitions into darkness where the protagonists find new strength.
We hoped you enjoyed the new music videos from Yellow Claw, Clayjay, and TOKiMONSTA. If you missed our last music video roundup, click here to check it out. Till next time music video enthusiasts!
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