This year seems to be the year of Skrillex anticipation. We spent the cold, grey winter blasting Take Ü There while we waited for the Jack Ü album to finally come out. We’ve spent this spring holding our breath for the producer’s Paradiso performance, his first in Washington State since Bumbershoot 2012.
Considering all this massive build-up and hype surrounding the artist in the first half of 2015, fans will be left with a Skrillex-shaped hole after Paradiso concludes. Fortunately (or unfortunately, depending on your views of artistic commercialism) for those suffering withdrawals, he was just announced as one of the featured artists for the new Guitar Hero, coming out this fall.
The feature is slightly more than merely capitalizing on name-recognition, however. The main draw of the newest edition to the Guitar Hero franchise, Guitar Hero Live, is the ability to actually play to crowds as well as over music videos of the artists themselves; hence, the ‘live’ portion of the title. It seems extremely gimmicky, yes, but considering that most Guitar Hero jam sessions take place after a half-dozen PBRs or so, the integrity of the mechanic isn’t really all that important.
It might not be a masterpiece. It definitely is not even remotely on par with the rest of his accomplishments this year. But when you’re suffering from post-Paradiso blues, fiending for another dose of Skrillex, even a little bit can help. We’ll do our best to keep you in the know as well, so follow us on Twitter and Facebook for help sating all your EDM cravings.
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