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Spotify reports 50% listening time surge in rising mental health genre

It’s no secret that 2020’s ongoing list of disastrous events has left many of us shaken and stressed out. While we all have different coping methods, almost all agree in one universal practice: listening to music.

If you’ve found yourself opting for music searches that boost your mood, you’re not alone. In fact, new streaming data from Spotify shows a 50% global increase of listening time in playlists focusing on mental health. Done in support of Mental Health Awareness Day, Spotify calls Mental Health one of their fastest growing streaming genres.

Spotify’s surge in mindful music streaming has hit monumental numbers, more than double those of last year. Playlists that tap into keywords like “calm,” “mindfulness,” and “self-care” are up 57%. Data also shows a synchronized spike in podcasts dedicated to self-care and mental health rise 122%.

With numbers like these, it’s safe to say we’re all feeling the weight of the world, so much so, that’s its changing our musical preferences as we seek out tones that help us unwind.

If you’re searching for a way to set a positive tone to your day, may we recommend Spotify’s Daily Wellness playlist! Launched in April, the playlist serves up an array of mental health music and podcasts. Preaching the importance of taking time for peace and positivity, this playlist is curated to match the listener’s habits. The Wellness hub has seen its own uptick in traffic of 30%, seemingly appreciated by those in hard times.

Keying in on the emotional state of the fans and artists alike, Spotify launched Heart & Soul, their mental health initiative, two years ago. Through it, Spotify aims, “to provide the best possible support for our employees and to promote deep knowledge about emotional well-being among all at Spotify.”

It’s notable that Heart & Soul launched well before COVID-19 hit, showing Spotify’s proactive response to already rising mental health issues. It goes to show no matter the outlet, it’s important to focus on self-care and caring for those around you.

Have you picked up a taste for mindful music this year? Let us know at Facebook and Twitter!


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