[divider]Music Boosts Your Mood[/divider]
“Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can’t.” -Johnny Depp
Is it just by chance that so many of us get those feel-good vibes from music? Or do our bodies actually have a physical response to the tunes? Here’s the science of it all: Our bodies do respond to music by releasing the neurotransmitter serotonin which fosters happiness and a sense of well-being. Our bodies also release dopamine, the neurotransmitter responsible for helping us feel motivated and alert. Music also has the power to release norepinephrine, which is responsible for vigilant concentration, and feelings of elation and euphoria. In electronic dance music, it’s no wonder why upbeat genres like Trance, Progressive and Tropical House make us feel so good!
The power of music goes even further, though, in helping treat mood disorders, stress and depression. Numerous research studies have concluded that music is a powerful anti-depressant. Many of us struggle with high levels of stress, anger, and even mild to severe depression. Finding just the right music can help ease tense muscles, calm our nervous system and slow down our heart rate, leading to a more relaxed and peaceful state. Music also is deemed a successful and safe emotional release mechanism and helps improve self-image and self-esteem.

Music: The safest and cheapest way to improve your mood, your outlook, and therefore your life!
Scientists suggest less-intrusive music to calm the nervous system, and we recommend electronic genres like Chillstep, and Chillwave to help do just that. Whether you prefer to experience the mood-boost with a group of friends or as a solo endeavor, music is a free and easy way to help take good care of ourselves, and finding the music that really speaks to each of us is the ultimate goal.