The coolest job-title in all of dance music is coming soon to New York City, the perfect card game for 90s dance music snobs is back, and the country with the biggest population in the world is the latest global hot-spot for EDM. Huh?
Finding the proper response to much of the news finding its way into our social media feeds is becoming a tougher task every day. Nothing is surprising, and there’s always more to the story. Leaving us with one reply: “huh?”.
Last week, New York City mayor Bill de Blasio established an Office of Nightlife and a Nightlife Advisory Board, pictures of a more than 20-year old dance music-oriented card game have found their way to the internet, and EDM continued its push into mainstream Chinese popularity.
The reason “huh?”, in its various forms, is such a quality reply is simple. The word is as versatile as a response gets, and while it may require some explanation, “huh?” is sometimes the only way to react to the news of today. Defined by Merriam-Webster as an interjection that’s “used to express surprise, disbelief, or confusion, or as an inquiry inviting affirmative reply”, “huh” or “huh?” can mean a lot of different things.
Despite some of the follies of human evolution (see: Taco Bell + Booze), the development and growth of “huh” is something we should embrace. To be the change we want to see in the world, here are a few EDM stories last week that made us go “huh?”.
The Night Mayor of New York City is going to be a real job
New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio signed legislation in a Brooklyn nightclub last week that created an Office of Nightlife and Nightlife Advisory Board for one of dance music’s historic scenes. Huh.
The coolest part of the new groups is someone will be given the title of “Night Mayor of New York,” as they lead the way for the new advisory board. The Office of Nightlife will attempt to connect the vibrant nightlife industry in the city to the local communities, and isn’t altogether unlike similar offices in London, Amsterdam, and more throughout Europe.
Helping clubs go through the sometimes difficult process of applying for licenses and permits, reviewing neighborhood regulations, and more, the office’s goal is to support the New York nightlife scene in a number of new ways.
“It’s pretty shocking — one in five small businesses have been lost in the last couple of decades in New York City. And one of the big reasons was it was hard to navigate the rules and restrictions that in so many cases went too far.” – Mayor Bill de Blasio via New York Post
How helpful the office will be remains to be seen, but the more support for dance music and the establishments that house it, the better.
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Born and raised in the Northwest, professionalized in Pullman. Enjoying the ride that dance music provides in our lovely corner of the country.