Many of us see deadmau5 as the gateway to our EDM lifestyles. For so long, deadmau5 has been an icon of the industry. His career stretches back to 1998, and he’s headed his own label Mau5trap since 2007. That said, things haven’t been going so well these past few months. Going into 2019 it looks like our same old deadmau5 hasn’t aged very well at all.
It started back in October, when he was going through what he described as a “very difficult period”. He was first accused of making transphobic comments over Twitter. Deleting the tweets and apologized, insisting that he’s “not that kind of person.”
Not long after, a video surfaced that shows deadmau5 criticizing a Slushii song. He called the song “fucking AIDS music” and “autistic shit.” The resulting fallout led to an apology and his announcement of an indefinite hiatus.
The hiatus wasn’t very long; soon enough deadmau5 was back at making music. He also participated in the Minecraft “Fire Festival” by building his signature mouse head.
The embattled producer still plays video games frequently, and just this month his Twitch account was suspended for using homophobic slurs. He gave a statement on Reddit, since archived to Imgur, that described a “double standard” on the part of Twitch.
Days later, he apologized for his behaviour, calling the first Reddit post a “hastily composed non-apology”.
The saga of deadmau5’s personal struggles seems to continue. While he insists he’s not a discriminatory person, his behaviour seems to suggest otherwise.
His most recent apology highlights his journey to be at peace with himself and become “the best human being” he can be. It seems that these kind of apologies are sadly becoming a norm for him. As someone that many in our community may look up to and remember fondly, we hope that he does better, if only for his own sake.
Have you ever struggled with a personal journey? How have you bettered yourself? Let us know on Twitter, @DanceMusicNW!
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September 10, 2021 at 6:07 am
Dude I so agree like I love the guy and he’s a genius, the way he built modular synths to create incredible sounds that no other ‘EDM’ artist could… but he does come off as a bit of a pugnacious jerk!