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Credit: Liquid Stranger (


Liquid Stranger fires off first single in a year with ‘The Drill’ (DMNW Review)

Welcome to 2021, everyone! Liquid Stranger has returned with a new single, The Drill. This is the experimental bass kingpin’s first release in over a year and it commands attention in a big way. Listen to The Drill out on the Liquid Stranger-run label Wakaan now, and read our review below.

Take a trip with ‘The Drill’

As an absolute banger of a track The Drill really has everything to satisfy a basshead. From 45 seconds of build up pitched with a synth melody and beat with growing intensity, the first drop is where the track really commands attention. It’s enough to stop you in your tracks, and the second drop embodies the same feeling. With a winding and pulsing bassline leading you through, it’s easy to get lost in the rollercoaster of a track.

With relatively little promotion on his social media, Liquid Stranger (Martin Stääf) came out of left field to release this one on his Wakaan label. Even though the release comes as a bit of a surprise, it’s everything you’d expect to hear in one of his tracks and somehow more.

By all comparison, The Drill feels almost like the big brother to his most recent February 2020 Psychonaut track. A similar lengthy intro preceding a perilous drop into the void is present in both tracks. However, Liquid Stranger showed no mercy in the remainder of The Drill. Where Psychonaut flows into the next track Ascend, The Drill doubles down in intensity and takes you for another ride.

It’s not a stretch to argue that for many bass music enthusiasts more Liquid Stranger is a dream come true. As a long term veteran of the scene, he’s built a reputation for his flavor of psychedelic, experimental bass and all sorts of sub-genres in between. Undoubtedly, we can’t wait for the next release hopefully around the corner. In the meantime, check out The Drill out now.


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