What motivates us? We’ve been sorting through some definitions for the terms ‘music‘ and ‘dance,’ and have been attempting to determine what those mean to us here at DMNW. As stated earlier, we are definitely open to the idea that muses may or may not play a part in music, and perhaps even dance, depending on how one interprets various definitions and their varying possible contexts.
Strangely, we find ourselves moved by the muses to contemplate with you why we are sitting here sharing subjective thoughts together. What is our motivation? The answer is simple, but before we get to that, we here at DMNW like to challenge our readers to really look into not only dance music in the Northwest – but what it means to be a part of the dance and music culture in the Northwest and even at large. So with this desire being forthcoming and not hidden, we would like to pose an open question that we will try to offer potential explanations.
The question is similar to the first. What motivates you, as a reader, a listener of our message? Why do you associate with the dance culture? Is it for the social aspect such as meeting new friends, is it something you do with a group of friends, or maybe that one special friend (or maybe all of the above)? Is it for the music; perhaps a specific artist, specific genre, specific song, specific moment? Is it for the setting; a specific venue or festival, maybe a specific stage? Is it to dance and express your interpretations of the music and how it moves you? Is it where you find you rest and relaxation? Are you an aspiring artist and do it do expand your mental music library? Is it for the vibes? Is it an escape from the daily grind? Or dare we say it, is it simply just a life-style?
Well for us here at DMNW, as we lead relatively normal daily lives, each of us found that dance music became a prominent theme in our lives and have been asked by this devoted publication to share our passion and life with our listeners and readers. We feel it is a special privilege to be a voice to a beautiful group of people who share a common love for dance music in the Northwest area & afar!
So what’s our motivation? Well we’re just passionate about music here in the Northwest and from all over the world and wish to share that with our readers here in the Northwest. We like to listen to music, appreciate it, critique it, review it, make it, write it, speak it, sing it, play it, mix it, and inform readers of what’s going on in the dance music culture in the Northwest.
We do it out of a passion & love for dance music and we hope to promote a message that reflects this. We truly love the way that dance music brings people together and acts as a potential platform to create something like the hippie generation, and perhaps even more than just that.
But beyond that we like to inform our readers of shows going on in the area., So just another friendly reminder, USC (United State of Consciousness) has an event coming up soon (February 13, 2016) USC Loves You! It will undoubtedly have their Conscious Crew present whom strive to spread their life changing #themessage.
The show will no doubt be a good time and we are looking forward to it here for all sorts of reasons here at DMNW! Hope to see you present. And if not then in the future…
Important things happen in Pacific Northwest nightlife, and DMNW will send you alerts!