Seven Lions kicked off his Chronicles tour with a stop in his hometown of Seattle, playing to a completely sold-out local crowd. One of the things that set this concert apart from so many others was the great attention to detail. Upon entry, fans were instantly wowed by the “Game of Thrones meets Lord of the Rings” theme that was laid across the entire venue.
From giant installments decked out in the Chronicles mythos, to perpetually in-character actors dressed in fantasy attire, no stone was left unturned from a mood-setting perspective. Jeff Montalvo and his team went above and beyond to give us something really special. Local artists had their various works on display, and even a special brew from Woodinville’s Tripplehorn Brewery was made specifically for the show. Everywhere you turned there was something fascinating, with Seven Lions’ having truly constructed a world unto itself inside the doors of the fledgling Chronicles series.

Photo Credit: Turk Photos
To top it all off, there was even a secret room tucked away in the corner to the right of the stage behind the curtains, requiring a password from all who wished to enter. Our one and only small criticism of the night involved the fact that the room itself was fairly sparse, past a few high tables and a printed page of Chronicles lore each fan could take home. That said, Jeff dropped into the comments of that criticism post-show, saying that he “definitely agree(s),” and that he “will bring it up for next time” (heads up Chronicles Chapter 2 crew).
The lineup itself was not only diverse, but it blended genres that any electronic lover would enjoy. Kicking off the night was a special “Observatory” set from Seven Lions, featuring some of Jeff’s mellower tunes. Those melodies later paved the way into Jason Ross’ beautiful trance set, with Liquid Soul’s unique brand of psytrance soon to follow.
Each supporting artist’s set blended into the next almost seamlessly, culminating in Kill the Noise bass-pumping beats, energizing the room perfectly before the man of the night came on stage. Once Seven Lions arrived for his headlining set, the sold-out crowd rushed toward the stage in anticipation. Per typical Seven Lions, his set certainly did not disappoint.

Photo Credit: Turk Photos
Leading us on a journey among progressive melodies, hard-hitting bass, stunning psy interludes, and his classic favorites, it was truly a musical journey. Production-wise, two gigantic LED panels stood behind the decks, with another two smaller LEDs adorning the front of the booth. Throughout the night, we were treated to breathtaking visuals, pulled both from Seven Lions’ music videos, and original visual productions tailored specifically to select tracks.
All in all, we couldn’t have been more impressed with the way the night went. It’s getting harder and harder for large-scale shows to stand out nowadays, but Seven Lions’ Chronicles managed to do just that and more. There are few artists out there today that put the level of attention and care that Jeff does into his live performances, and that showed in spades for this first chapter of his tour.
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