When you think of festival season starting, you usually think of the weather getting warmer, the beverages getting colder, and the venues getting more outdoorsy. Well, if you maybe want to get one last dose of winter, while still getting some sweet grooves in, looks like Snowbombing could be the place for you!
Starting in Austria, Snowbombing burst onto the Canadian festival scene for it’s maiden voyage in 2017, and the results were indescribable! Our team got to go check it out, and there’s a reason why we’re so stoked to head back. But, this is a pretty different ballgame when it comes to festival living, so we’ve put the 5 key things to remember at this year’s event, including planning, artists to see, and more!
I know it seems to go without saying, but when packing for this festival, it might be best to leave the tiny outfits at home, or at least learn how to layer! The stages at Snowbombing are right outside on the hill; there are indoor venues, but they’re still on a mountain, covered in snow, so going to and from is gonna be coooooold! We recommend hitting thrift stores around your area. This time of year people are unloading winter gear, and bonus, thrift stores usually have the weird, neon stuff, which is perfect for our pals Skiitour, who play on Saturday!

Justine Trickett
4. Pack a BUNCH of schedules.
Having your phone on you at all times is great, and you can get the schedule that way always, but let’s face it, batteries die and technology is fickle. Also, you’re on a mountain, the elements aren’t kind, so it’s best to have a back up! Print off some schedules to have in your chalet, on your person, anywhere you can think of! If you really want to get creative, laminate them so you can write all over them (or find them if you drop them in the snow!)
3. Rest those feet!
When you’re not adventuring in the snow, or dancing up a storm, make sure to be taking care of those feet of yours! This is unfamiliar terrain for us camping festival folks, make sure to give your feet some time out of boots, and if you have the option, give em a soak every night to help with swelling. If you’re a novice, or even a beginner boarder or skiier, you’re gonna hurt regardless, why not minimize it!
2. Sunglasses!
You think I’m exaggerating, but at a winter festival, sunglasses are even more important than ever. Reflecting light off the snow is murder. It’s gonna be a sunny one, so you’ll want some wicked protection for those eyes! Make sure to grab polarized goggles for your winter activities, but bring some sunnies for your day time fun too! Amazon Prime has some wicked deals available through Sojos Sunglasses—that’s a good start!

Max Miechowski
1. Do your research!
The Snowbombing site is going to be your best resource for the weekend! They have interactive schedules, activity lists, artist previews, and much more. We can only take you so far, so make sure to be on top of updates and the website itself. You can also grab lift tickets, amenities, and if you’re on the fence, maybe just pick up a ticket and come along!

Andrew Whitton
We’re so excited to get to that mountain and start having a blast, and we know you are too! See you on the slopes; watch for our team having the best time ever!
Who’s joining us in Sun Peaks next week? Let us know in the comments!
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