1. Community
At this point we’re convinced there something in the water, because community is certainly not lacking at any BC festival. With the rising popularity of dance music, festivals attendees are often time being “sold the festival experience” rather than being apart of it. Make no doubt about it though, Bass Coast is an all inclusive community, and welcomes people of all kinds into their warm arms. With over 250 active volunteers, Bass Coast is a labor of love. With countless man and women hours poured into each year, it’s clear that the organizers have a good thing going.

Photo: Vasho Photography
2. Discovery
Most festivals pride themselves on putting together the biggest lineup they possibly can. While it’s great to see some of the biggest names in electronic music all in one weekend, it’s a nice change of pace to see artists you may not have heard of. Bass Coast does an amazing job bringing together a mix of 100+ international and local artists that are guaranteed to keep you from standing still. Beyond the music, Bass Coast also showcases over 50 pieces of original art as well as workshops and lectures throughout the weekend. Discovery can also be taken personally in the sense you have the potential leaving, learning something new about yourself.

Photo: Neil McElmon