Again, we certainly don’t feel there is any right, or wrong way to enjoy the show… with exception of a few bits of etiquette . We simply are looking at the best bang for your buck, and taking advantage of everything a festival or stage may have to offer. Riding rail is certainly an experience for anyone who’s had the opportunity, and many die hards wait hours to ensure their spots. So back to the question at hand, Is it worth it? It’s a personal choice really, and there’s no “right way to do shows”. Some people enjoy hugging speakers, others like to dance and some like to head bang while riding rail.
However with everything to take in at some shows we do strongly feel you have a much more immersive experience somewhere in the middle. Shows have become about much more than just the music with a heavy focus on stage producing. We feel riding rail certainly has its merits, but limits your ability to be fully involved with the show. The wonderful thing about our community is how diverse we are, and how accepting of each other we’ve grown to be. Any show you go to will guarantee you the opportunity to run in to all forms of concert goers, and thats a great quality to have. Recently this topic was brought up after a show in South Florida featuring Bassnectar which lead to a little disagreement between fans. We felt it would be appropriate to end on that post, as we strongly agree with everything The Bass Network has to say.

Riding rail isn’t for everyone, but is for others. Same as being a Bleacher Creature or Bass Troll, everyone has their thing. So who’s to judge and make you feel like your experience is wrong or right. We do encourage everyone to try and experience shows and festivals in different ways, from different views and alternative angles. We’re all there to dance and get weird so enjoy how you must!